Syllabus for CFAP[IT]
Certification in Forensic Accounting in IT industry emphasize a forensic rather than a
control-based or risk management approach to the
analysis of governance and the possibility of
Participants will be given a broad-based introduction to
the nature and purpose of forensic accounting. The scope
and content of all subjects extend well beyond narrow
focus of fraud prevention and provide an opportunity to
study and acquire skills in investigative techniques and
the collection of data as well as the skills necessary
to not only identify poor management but also unethical
and fraudulent activities.
Whole syllabus of
Certification program is divided in ten topics.
This is probably the first certification in the IT sector
frauds in India and covers following chapters primarily.
Frauds in
real estate leasing agreements
Occupational Frauds
Laundering in IT companies
in Financial Statements
Early warning signals of IT co frauds
Satyam Case study on accounting fraud
Theories applicable to the Frauds in IT sector
Data and IP theft
HR and Payroll frauds
Fighting frauds in strategic manner
The above syllabus is
updated frequently based on the new trends and
developments in IT industry and the technology related frauds.
The specially designed 300 + pages IT frauds manual
is provided to the participants who register for the
Certification in the forensic accounting along with the forensic accounting manual.