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In the world of data and information, there’s a set of important rules that act as protectors of your privacy and rights. The new bill, Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023, is like a compass that helps navigate the complex landscape of data usage.

They make sure that people handle your personal information carefully, openly, and fairly. This way, you have control over your own data.

Much like traffic rules that keep everyone safe on the road, these principles provide a framework for those who handle data, whether it’s companies, organizations, or even the government. They outline the ethical and responsible ways data should be collected, used, and protected.

Let’s explore each of the seven guiding principles. They affect the way data fiduciaries handle your data. These principles are really important to keep the digital world safe and also fair.

Using Data with Permission and Clarity

The law says that data should only be used when people say it’s okay. This is important to make sure that your data is being used legally and in a way that you understand. For example, if you give your email to a website, they should only use it in the way they told you.

Data Used Only for Agreed Reasons

When you give your data, like your name or address, people should only use it for the reason you agreed to. This stops them from using your data for things you didn’t expect. This requirement is going to create a challenging situation for those who handle corporate data.

Collecting Only What’s Needed

People should only collect the data they really need. This means they shouldn’t ask for more information than necessary. For example, if you’re signing up for a newsletter, they shouldn’t ask for your home address.

Data Must Be Correct and Updated

People who use your data must make sure it’s correct. If something changes, like your address, they should update it. This way, your data is accurate and helpful.

Keeping Data for the Right Time

Your data should only be kept for as long as it’s needed. If they don’t need it anymore, they should delete it. This stops them from holding onto your information for no reason.

Keeping Data Safe and Protected

People should take good care of your data and keep it safe. This is important to protect you from hackers or other bad things happening to your information.

Taking Responsibility

If something goes wrong with your data, the people who use it should take responsibility. This means they need to fix the problem and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

To Summarise, as technology and information flow become more complex, these principles of Data Protection are like a shield, standing guard over your data. They remind those who use your data that they must treat it with care, accuracy, and responsibility.

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