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Indiaforensic Media
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Forensic Accounting in India started with one word - Indiaforensic.

FraudToday MobileAlmost every sizeable company has offices in several parts of the world – Chinese, Indian and American colleagues share the same project and work on the same technology. Search any topic under the sun, and it is there on the Internet.Lot of information about hacking and perpetration of frauds is available through the search engines. But the antifraud information is not as significant as it should be. With the inception of Fraudtoday, collaboration between the antifraud experts in various countries have already started.

Fraudtoday recognize efforts of the exceptional antifraud professionals and anti corruption crusaders in the world. Fraudtoday is the only media in the world which recognise the efforts of the professionals whose efforts have helped in reducing the corruption and frauds. In the year 2013, Fraudtoday aims to create the new heroes of the anti-corruption and anti-fraud world. Their stories will inspire the world to be a corruption and fraud-free place.

Fraudtoday aims to create atleast 1000 success stories of the antifraud professionals in the world. Their stories can inspire the youths and younger generation to avoid getting mired into fraudulent deals. Every country has the role models in the anti-corruption and anti-fraud domain. We want their efforts to be publicised. The more efforts we publish, more it is going to be beneficial to form a corruption free society. There are 249 countries and we want to create at least one role model in every country.

Fraudtoday would like to know your story.

  • How did you crack some of the biggest fraud cases ?
  • What inspired you to get in the forensic domain ?
  • How do you help your society in preventing corruption ?

Fraudtoday BannerWe would like to understand the stories from your country, frauds from your country and how you prevent these frauds or instances of corruption. We want to tell your story to the world.

To fight the frauds effectively, it is very important to take advantage of these collaborative technologies and share your experiences.
Yet, many people are afraid to share and exchange information. Or simply do not know the avenues to do so.

Let’s face it; there are very few secrets now due to the advent of the Internet. Knowledge is just a click away. Search engines like Google,Yahoo and Bingo provide great resources on the net. Writing articles can give you the opportunity to be the first to share information. As a professional, and a contributor to Fraudtoday you can make new contacts, earn respect from your peers and reap other benefits of being famous.

When asked to contribute, many people answer this question stating  “but we are not natural writers” or “I can’t write!” It is true that a few have a flair for writing and it comes naturally to some, but they certainly are not “essential” traits to write.
We believe, if you have ever written an audit or investigation report of 5-10 pages and it was the acceptable to your client, you will absolutely have no problem in contributing to Fraudtoday. Writing an article is as simple as writing a report on the internal controls. After all, any successful article is a result of teamwork. While you contribute your professional expertise and experience, the Editorial team of professional  editors take up the task of communicating your ideas clearly and articulately.

However, at some point of time if your article does get published, it will definitely be an exciting moment for you. You can look forward to sharing your work with your associates, bosses, friends and relatives. In the process, your organization will also benefit as demonstrating your professional expertise will also earn a good name for your firm.
Publishing your articles in Magazines like Fraudtoday will also demonstrate your beliefs in ethics of accounting, as this is a e-zine that fights white-collared crime by spreading information and educating it’s readers.


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