Indiaforensic Initiative on Money Laundering

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Forensic Accounting in India started with one word - Indiaforensic.

Rajendra Kumar, Head of Education at Indiaforensic explained the Money Laundering awareness initiative to the leading Indian newspaper ” The Hindu”.

On the black money trail – Indiaforensic

A recent study commissioned by the Government of India pegged the amount of black money in the Indian economy to be around 10 per cent of the GDP. With increasing focus on money laundering and other financial frauds, a need for experts specialised in detecting these crimes has opened.

S. DIPAK RAGAV speaks to Rajendra Kumar , Head of Education, Indiaforensic, a Pune-based institute that offers a course on money laundering, forensic accounting and fraud investigations.

Can you elaborate on the Anti-Money Laundering course?

Started in 2007, this was one of the foremost programme on the subject of money laundering. This course combines the benefits of technology-based training and self-study trainings. Students are provided the e-learning CD and also the AML manual. They will also have to keep themselves updated with the latest money laundering scandals. Since the examinations are conducted online, the questions are frequently updated in the system.

What are the advantages of doing this course?

One of the most significant benefits is gaining scientific knowledge on the subject of money laundering. Adding CAME (Certified Anti-Money Laundering expert) words in the resume also helps in building the personal profile. CAME has become a world class designation now.

What are the other courses of you offer in dealing with financial irregularities?

We offer a variety of certification programmes:

1. CFAP – It is a generic course available to the corporates at large and deals with corporate frauds. 2. CFAP [IT] – Focuses on the Information technology sector

3. CFAP [Insurance] – Focuses on the Insurance sector

4. CBFA – Certified Bank Forensic accountant focuses on the banking frauds like Card Frauds, Negotiable instrument frauds, loan frauds etc

5. CAME – Certified Anti Money Laundering expert

Complete Article on: The Hindu

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