Certified Anti Money Laundering Expert is the individual who has completed the uniform examination offered by Indiaforensic. Certificate is important for the professional development. Moreover, CAME is one of the global choices for the aspirants looking to enter in compliance profession. CAME is sometimes referred to as the anti money laundry certificate. It is the synonym of the question what is the anti money laundering certification ?
How to get Anti Money Laundering Certificate ?
Certified Anti Money Laundering Expert is the leading program in the compliance domain. It is popular in the profession because of the ease of completion. You can get the AML Certificate in just three steps.
- Register for Uniform Examination and get the certification course material along with the reference books. In addition to the transfer to bank account, students can also use UPI and other wallets to pay fees. EMI benefits are also available on certain financial transactions.
- Get the Simulated Exams once you complete reading the study material. Indiaforensic has built the simulated examinations on various modules taught during the training.
- Write your Final exams and wait for your results.
The Certified Anti-Money Laundering Expert (CAME) is the benchmark in AML certifications. Many Outsourcing Giants, IT companies, financial institutions recognize the need of CAME professionals in their team. Additionally, governments and regulators consider it as a serious commitment to protecting the financial system against money laundering.
Four ways to get the AML Certification

There are four options for students to complete their certification courses. There are many factors that affect the decision of obtaining the certification which include the availability of time, budget, mode of delivery, etc. Here are four options for different levels of students
- Classroom Learning – This mode of delivery best suits the students and professionals in the early stage of their careers. A mentor teaches the course and solves real-life problems.
- Video Learning – This option is created for those who prefer to watch videos to reading books. It covers a range of videos such as anti-money laundering concepts: AML, KYC and compliance course etc.
- Distance Learning – This option is created for professionals who are looking to upskill their careers and are comfortable reading books and solving exams.
- Waiver of Examination – This option is for experienced professionals who have more than 10 years of experience and are also followed by the fraternity.
What are the benefits of the CAME program?
Professional Certification
There are an increasing number of companies, non-profits, and government organizations that, when working with independent consultants, want (or may even be required) to engage those who have certain certifications from recognized programs. Professional Certificate like CAME demonstrates your commitment to superior professionalism, upholding industry standards, and continued learning. Additionally, it is also touted as the Best Aml Certificate in compliance universe.
Build Professional Credibility
Anti Money Laundering Specialists discuss the challenges faced by them during the exceptional compliance events such as Demonetization. In the light of growing financial crimes networking has become important. Compliance professionals are required to create the network of like minded professionals. The community of Certified AML Professionals is vital
- for exchanging new ideas on compliance
- to discuss the challenges
- to identify the right candidates under budgetary constraints
What is the role of CAME Professionals ?
Anti Money Laundering Certificate holders play a crucial role in compliance. They are trained on the topics like Trade Based Money Laundering, KYC, CTF etc.
Certified AML Experts help financial institutions to oversee anti money laundering policies. Financial Institutions should remain compliant with guidelines laid down by Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Identically, RBI require financial institutions to appoint Compliance Officer to put in place anti money laundering compliance programs.
CAME professionals are the first line of defense to combat money laundering. Additionally, CAME professionals come with the set of training on the subject of KYC, AML and Counter terrorist financing. Today, it has become a must have certification for every anti money laundering investigator.
Implementing AML legislation is challenging. 9/11 attacks in the United States lead to the introduction of Bank Secrecy Act. In India, for example, the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), introduced in 2002, was amended many times.
As a result of these amendments, Indian financial institutions are required to navigate an increasingly complicated PMLA compliance landscape. Additionally, the events like demonetization of currency notes involve a significant administrative burden and serious legal consequences. Sometimes, the CAME professionals co-ordinate with law enforcement agencies. If the cases involve serious crimes such as terrorist financing or drug trafficking, then the responsibilities of CAME professionals increase dramatically.
Organized crime masters perpetually find out new ways to introduce the money obtained from the proceeds of crime in the banks. This increases the demand for the professionals who can effectively monitor the amounts of money disguised with legitimate sources.
CAME professionals review the criminal activity in the legitimate business. They have to keep an eye on Shell companies and the real estate sector. Huge amount of dirty money is flowing through these companies.
AML Mock Examinations
Mock tests cover the anti money laundering certification exam questions. Mock Examinations help the students to prepare for the Uniform CAME Examination.
AML Compliance Officer is a principal figure responsible for overseeing the effective development and implementation of their institution’s AML program. Certification in anti money laundering becomes important factor connecting the alumni.